Blueberries - 1 Gallon
Blueberries - 1 Gallon
Blueberries - 1 Gallon
Blueberries - 1 Gallon
Blueberries - 1 Gallon

Blueberries - 1 Gallon

Regular price $29.95 $18.95 Sale

Everyone loves blueberries! They are healthy and delicious - chock full of anti-oxidants, and our current stock of blueberry plants is already of fruit bearing age. Our blueberry plants can be planted in a row to make a great hedge, especially the Legacy Southern Highbush, whose leaves turn an orange/gold color throughout Fall and Winter, thus creating a beautiful as well as functional hedge.

 *Blueberry plants must be planted in very acidic, well draining soil in order to thrive. The ideal soil PH for blueberries  is between 4.5 and 5.2.  We recommend adding wood chips to some good planting soil for best results. 

 *Rabbiteye varieties will need to be cross-pollinated with another variety or different varieties.


Titan Rabbiteye

Known for the very large size of it’s blueberries, the Titan Rabbiteye is a High yielding blueberry plant producing very large, sweet fruit.

Hardiness Zones: 6-9

Sun: Full sun

Height: 6’-8’

Width: 6’-8’

Plant spacing: 3-5 ft

Ripening period: June-July

Flower color: white/cream

Powder Blue and Tiftblue are good cross pollinators


Powderblue Rabbiteye

These are very high yielding plants with wonderfully sweet blueberries that are of a medium-large size and light blue color, covered with a light dusting that looks like powder, thus the name. Flowering in late spring to early summer, Powderblues are less susceptible to late winter or early spring freezes.

Hardiness Zones: 6-9

Sun: Full sun

Height: 8’-12’

Width: 8’-12’

Plant spacing: 3-5ft

Ripening period: June-July

Tiftblue and Titan are good cross pollinators


Legacy Southern Highbush

Known for their superior flavor, the medium-large sized Legacy blueberries were rated highest flavor by USDA selections. This unique upright bush keeps its orange/golden colored leaves throughout the fall and winter, and makes a beautiful hedge. Legacy yields are consistently high.

Hardiness Zones: 5-8

Sun: Full sun

Height: 4’-6’

Width: 3’-4’’

Plant spacing: 2-3 ft

Ripening period: August, but this is extended if Legacy is planted with other varieties of blueberries.



Hardiness Zones: 6-9

Sun: Full sun

Height: 8’-12’

Width: 8’-12’

Plant spacing: 3-5ft

Ripening period: June-July

PowderBlue and Titan are good cross pollinators


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